Health Information Exchange

Our Health Information Exchange allows Health Plans, IPA’s, ACO’s and providers the ability to share information between proprietary EHR’s regardless of services, sites, and across the full cycle of care. This encompasses all types of real time patient data stored in the cloud, so that everyone participating in or administrating care has a clearer view of the patients broader needs and eligible services

Remote Patient Monitoring

Alliance Health provides state-of-the-art bio-metric devices that are Bluetooth enabled. These devices include including, weight scale, BP cuff, glucometer, oximeter and customized tablet with 4G LTE.

This ability to remotely monitor your patients simplifies your workflows and improves the patients quality of life. You patients will fill confident knowing they are being cared for in and out of your office.

Electronic Assessments

Alliance Health has the preventative care software platform that clinicians need to incorporate comprehensive wellness programs into their practices.  As the industry continues to prioritize healthcare quality over quantity, we provide clinicians with the scientific tools needed to be compliant and take advantage of revenue opportunities that exist for providing proactive medicine.

Our integrated platform includes numerous ancillary products that help physicians practice personalized medicine with the goal of producing better patient outcomes.  


In a medical practice setting our health information exchange can provide:

  • Annual Wellness Visits

  • Alcohol Screening

  • Depression Screening

  • Mental Health

  • Neurocognitive Screening

Quality Measure Improvement

Alliance Health is dedicated to helping you implement the sweeping changes to physician payments brought on by MACRA, HEDIS, and RAF. With Alliance Health as your partner, you won't be caught unprepared.  

We help customize HEDIS, RAF and MACRA  measures by health systems to reduce the burden of reporting and improve accuracy.

TCM and Chronic Care Management

We provide a transitional care management (TCM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM) solution that is established by the initial AWV  and risk stratified by customizable criteria.

Annual wellness assessments become the basis of the continuing care plan which is updated monthly. Currently chronic diseases are responsible for 7 of 10 deaths each year, and treating people with chronic diseases accounts for 86% of our nation’s health care costs. Alliance Health can help manage a patients chronic illnesses and reduce costs associated with chronic care.

Medication Optimization

Alliance Health helps providers identify instances when medication elimination, avoidance or adjustment is appropriate based on the patient's unique genetic makeup. Our combination of PGx testing and Medication Therapy Management help providers and systems assess medication usage and provide guidance for appropriate adjustments.

Ready To Learn More

Alliance Health helps providers and systems improve patient care by providing software solutions that bring value-based care and medical necessity tools together in the cloud. We would love to discuss how your system, practice, and patients can benefit from the Alliance Health solution set.